
Top 5 Signs of Binge Eating Disorder

eating disorder 33If you suffer from binge eating disorder you may or may not know it, but there are common signs that point to it. Binge eating is a serious eating disorder that affects an estimated 4 million people, the majority of which are women. The behaviors involved in this disorder are often out of control and you will find yourself preoccupied with food and eating. The behavior involved in binge eating disorder can lead to changes in weight, high cholesterol levels, and painful joints. If you, a family member, or a friend need coaching to help with Binge Eating Disorder, please consult a professional Binge Eating coach, like Amy Dambrosio.

Here are some signs to look out for.


1.) Changes in Weight

One of the most common signs of binge eating disorder is rapid fluctuations in weight. This is due to the binge eating and then the compensatory behaviors that follow. You may lose weight or you may gain weight but you will most likely fluctuate between the two. You have an inability to regulate your eating.

2.) Stockpiling of Food

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You are often found stockpiling food in your house. You may be concerned about running out of foods and so you tend to buy more than you need. It could be that you struggle with portion control or that you eat very fast and eat more food than you think you need.

3.) High Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol levels are also a common sign of binge eating disorder. When you eat a bunch of food, even if it is healthy food, your cholesterol levels increase. It is important to also know that if you have a high cholesterol level there is a greater risk that you will have a heart attack or a stroke.

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4.) Painful Joints

Binge eating disorder can lead to painful joints and tendons. When you are binge eating you are putting a lot of stress on your body and joints. It is easy to get injured when you are trying to eat as much food as you can in a certain amount of time.

5.) Desire to Eat Alone

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You may find yourself wanting to eat alone. It is common to have a spouse or a partner join you for meals but when you are struggling with binge eating disorder you want to be alone. Eating alone eliminates the risk of someone judging the quantity of food you are eating or how fast you are consuming it.

6.) Shame, Self-Blame and Embarrassment

When you are struggling with binge eating disorder you are often filled with feelings of shame, self-blame and embarrassment. You eat in secret so those around you do not know about your disorder and you insist that you are eating normally. You do not want people to know that you are struggling and are eating more than you should be eating.

It is important to remember that binge eating disorder is a serious disorder that is often overlooked or misunderstood. If you suffer from binge eating disorder it is important to seek help.

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